
Change Your Outlook

If we look for them, we can always find negative things to focus on – sometimes we don’t even have to look for them.

The fastest way to change your outlook and improve your mood is to show gratitude.

Our brains are wired so that we cannot feel two emotions at the same time. We can flip between them, but we can’t feel them at exactly the same time.

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Have What you Want

You have things that you want in your life! You will be more likely to get, be and do them if you set goals.  But only work on one to three at a time.  Otherwise, you will get too scattered.

Now, a goal is not a wish…I wish I would lose weight, I wish I had more money, I wish I could be in Italy right now.  You are going to have to get way more specific than that. 

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Do you have goals?


If you want to have, be, and do things that you aren’t doing, you need to set goals.  Everybody should have both personal and professional goals.

One reason many people don’t get what they want is that they don’t turn their wants into a set of specific goals.  If you don’t turn them into goals, then they are just a wish list.

There are three reasons to set goals:

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4-Step Process for Getting More Done

You have a lot on your plate…your “to do” list is longer than your arm.  You can’t procrastinate, or you can’t procrastinate any longer.  How do you decide what gets done first?

  • Do you start with the easy stuff to get those out of the way and, if there is any time left, work on more challenging items? 
  • Do you just start at the top of the list and work you way down, even if you list is in random over? 
  • Do you do the things that you don’t like to get them off your plate so the rest of the day is more enjoyable?

There are many ways to prioritize the things you need to get done, both at home ant at work.  Here is a method to try. 

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Believe in yourself

When you have things you would like to accomplish, you set goals and work those goals. Sometimes things get in the way and we don’t reach those goals.  In order to be successful, you have believe in two things:

  1. That the goal is possible
  2. That you can reach the goal

If you don’t believe that your goals, especially the BIG ones, are achievable you might subconsciously sabotage your efforts.  Instead of doing what you know you should be doing to reach the goal you find a ton things that have to be done instead.  These are often “whirlwind” tasks such as doing the laundry, cleaning out your email, running to the grocery store, organizing your desk, or cleaning the bathroom (it’s really bad when you choose to the clean the bathroom). 

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